Tag: theatre

  • Boy Problem + Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    Boy Problem + Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    THU, SEPT. 19, 19:30 @ ASTAROTHEATRO Boy Problem Two bois, Kara and Bbi are having some beef with the real world, that’s why they travel between realities instead. Theory fucked them up so they get their flutes, feet, cracked voice and all kinds of noise to help each other make dreams come true.  ‘Life is…

  • Whispers of the Wild [Zapatista Tales of Resistance and Connection]

    Whispers of the Wild [Zapatista Tales of Resistance and Connection]

    THU, SEPT. 19, 20:00 @ VILLA INTIFADA Music, dance and spoken word originated by the universal Zapatista tales of nature, humanity and wisdom transcending borders. A theatre performance where drops of rain meet the earth to become a river, a fish and a tree. They know all too well that real joy only lies in…

  • Underworld Devilish Moons (People’s University)

    Underworld Devilish Moons (People’s University)

    FRI, SEPT. 20, 18:30 @ THE PEOPLE’S UNIVERSITY Out of the necessity and urgency to challenge decay, havoc and fragmentation of modernity, five months ago we started workshops and practices of fluid multidisciplinary theatre performance, street theatre and participatory theatre. This also developed in response to the brutal oppression of student movements and to the…

  • How to Create a Black Hole and Disappear

    How to Create a Black Hole and Disappear

    FRI, SEPT. 20, 20:00 @ THE PEOPLE’S UNIVERSITY How to create a black hole and disappear is a rudimentary motor, a thing that keeps flowing and pulling things in and out, containing possibilities and perspectives which contaminate and dissect the things and people around with rhythm, image and energy.  Duration: 30 min By: Elliot Dehaspe…

  • Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    FRI, SEPT. 20, 20:00 @ LOLA LIEVEN Trash Skeleton (she/her) presents three unique plays written and directed by her alongside a lovely troupe of actors! Together they are known as Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers!The performance will be about an hour and fifteen minutes long with short breaks in between.The first play is called…

  • Etude for Ears and Hands

    Etude for Ears and Hands

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 15:00-17:30 (walk in and out) @ ASTAROTHEATRO “Etude for Ears and Hands” is a durational performative sound-session. You are welcome to come and go at your own pace. While the setting will be intimate, you can be as active or passive as you like – either relax and listen, or join into…

  • She Can Talk

    She Can Talk

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 20:00 @ WIHH GALLERY ‘She Can Talk’ is an experimental performance, stemming from a rather simple compositional idea, twisted by a few theatrical elements. The key ingredients of the piece include gradually emerging polyphony out of noise through composed chance operation, attention-seeking, rage, monologues, and speech as compositional material. 10-15 ladies sit in…

  • Unpacking Canned Tomatoes

    Unpacking Canned Tomatoes

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 19:30 @ HARINGPAKKERSBRUG Come to bridge at night and cross Ryan on his journey to find his mom and witness his twists and twirls on the sound of unanswered calls. An intimate movement piece about cities, transformation and bricks – Performer: Lou Delville Haringpakkersbrug(Prins Hendrikkade)Underneath

  • Underworld Devilish Moons (AstaroTheatro)

    Underworld Devilish Moons (AstaroTheatro)

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 20:00 @ ASTAROTHEATRO Out of the necessity and urgency to challenge decay, havoc and fragmentation of modernity, five months ago we started workshops and practices of fluid multidisciplinary theatre performance, street theatre and participatory theatre. This also developed in response to the brutal oppression of student movements and to the distress caused…

  • Berk (NL)

    Berk (NL)

    SUN, SEPT. 22, 18:00 @ LOLA LIEVEN NL:Berk is een kleinkunstshow over vrijheid en censuur, geïnspireerd op de Russische protestzanger Victor Tsoi (1962-1990).Daniil Aleksin & Ruud de Nooij zingen een aantal van zijn vertaalde nummers, snijden de thematiek vluchteling opnieuw aan en bieden op een theatrale en muzikale wijze weerwoord aan oorlog en censuur. Kortom;…