Tag: protest

  • Boy Problem + Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    Boy Problem + Trash Skeleton and the Dumpster Divers

    THU, SEPT. 19, 19:30 @ ASTAROTHEATRO Boy Problem Two bois, Kara and Bbi are having some beef with the real world, that’s why they travel between realities instead. Theory fucked them up so they get their flutes, feet, cracked voice and all kinds of noise to help each other make dreams come true.  ‘Life is…

  • Buffet of Political Nonsense (NL)

    Buffet of Political Nonsense (NL)

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 15:00 @ SPUI Take a seat at the table and enjoy this performance of the great jester Tijl Uilenspiegel, with Geerd Wilders as our very special guest. On the menu is the political absurdity of the PVV, which will be served by Tijl with music, dance and puppetry.  Duration: 20 min By:…

  • CANCELLED: De Huismelk Boer (ENG)

    CANCELLED: De Huismelk Boer (ENG)

    SAT, SEPT. 21, 16:00 @ SPUI On this day, the Huisjesmelker will make his usual round through the city, milking his livestock and delivering the ‘huisjesmelk’ to his boss. Join us to learn more about the practice called house milking and the houses that best produce house milk Duration: 30 min By: Klaas Kraak Right…

  • Against Number Magic

    Against Number Magic

    SUN, SEPT. 22, 15:00 @ ZUIDERZEEWEG In Against Number Magic, a German queer reckons with their country’s obsession with their own history. Germany’s singular guilt narrative blinds the country from seeing it is complicit in yet another genocide. The piece is hectic, to the point, and damning. After, the artist will hold a discussion on…